Saturday, June 27, 2009

(3) Sure Fire Ways to Lose a Client's Trust

In today's market there are Realtors waiting on every corner it seems like to snatch up good qualified buyers.
What seperates the good Realtors from those who are ready to hang up their license is their ability to listen, comprehend and respond.

For those few "specialist" in the market you add the ability to tell the truth regardless of outcome and the ability to ensure a professionally executed contracted that will not come back at a later date to cause problems.

While this may sound overly simple, the majority of my peers do not possess this trait. In speaking with my clients of both old and new here is the

(3) Sure Fire Ways to Lose a Client's Trust.

1. The Flip-Flop Agent

The Flip-Flop Agent is the agent who agrees with everything you say, regardless of what you are saying.

Most clients will show their true feelings for a house within seconds from their first view of the house. Comments like "Yes, this is it" or "Wow, this is nice" are generally heard when a client sees a home they think they could call their own. A pretty traditional response from a Realtor who has not done their homework is "Why yes, this is a great if almost surprised they found it for you."

Then comes the disappointment of seeing the house up close. Remember that most Realtors now use professional level camera's or even professional photography for their homes. This makes an up close view of a house rather deceiving.

Upon closer inspection, you now realize that this home was not on the inside or the outside what you had expected it to be, in expressing this to your agent you now receive the traditionalist agent response of "This is a nice home, but I never liked the lot size". Thus flip-flopping his/her original response to the house.

For a common buyer, this may go overlooked. But astute buyers such as yourself who are obviously doing your homework by being here now have to question "Is my agent just trying to sale me anything? He knew this wasn't a great house, but brought us here anyway. Why?"

Clients, a good agent should preview the home for you or at least be familiar with the floorplans, houses of the area. It may not always in the hottest of markets be able to be done, but in today's slow market, agent previews are essential to a clients time. This agent should have said upon arrival that "Guys, this is a nice house...but I want you to be aware of some factors with the lot and other issues before you see yourself moving in." This honesty shows that the Agent has done their homework and also shows that they are willing to "work with you" rather than "sale quickly to you".

2. My Agent Showed Me This, Why?

Once, twice or sometimes several times a week or month I will hear from either a potential buyer or a potential seller "My Agent doesn't listen to me".

Folks, it's simple. There are 1,000's of Agents just in this area alone, each working for the same buyer/seller to earn a living. If you say "I want a house with a garage" and then 8 houses later you've still not seen a garage, it's time to tell that Agent "Thank you, but this is not working out."

In today's market your initial contact with your agent should include the following: (Email Address, Your Name, Your desired location, Bedrooms, Baths, Square Footage, Price Range and desired features).
From there, your agent should send you through email a list of properties matching your criteria. If they cannot do this, then move on to the next agent. It's ok to work with one or more agents, but when you find the agent you like, it's time to make your committment to them by signing a "Buyer's Agency Agreement". Showing faith in that Agent's ability to listen, comprehend and respond to your needs is also an essential part of a smooth transaction between client/agent.

3. The "Yes" Agent

Today I get a call on a house that has expired it's listing contract with another agent. This happens on several occassions with expired listings that the client calls me back after the listing expires.

So here is why....

Client: "Josh, our listing has ran out with ABC Agent....we weren't able to get the price we had set out to get and now realize that in order to sale the house we need to lower our price, fix the hardwood floors and update the fixtures. Would you be willing to come back by and give us another opinion of our home if we do these things?"

While this client is wanting to sale their home, they reached what so many sellers reach before they ever get their home sold, they reached the "Yes" agent. The "Yes" agent is the agent who has too many listings because they can never say no and their listings never sale.

I told client X 6 months ago that their home was worth $225,000 as it set. However, "Yes" agent came in and told the seller's what every seller wants to here. "Your house is worth $275,000".
Clients, it's simple. Your house is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. So while "Yes" agent got a few offers in the $215-220k range, they never got anywhere close to what they told their seller they could get. A "Yes" agent will never go back to their seller with mud on their face and say "I've made a mistake in the price of your home". So while Client X made 6 more payments on their home @ an interest rate of over 7%, they finally came to realize that the Agent who tells them the truth is the Agent best fit for the job.

At Jim Woods Realty Company I never take a listing that I don't feel that I can sale. My advertising $$ come out of my pocket so getting your house sold and moved is just as important to me as it is to you.

If I know you want more for your home than it's worth, then I will tell you.
If you have to have a certain price for your home, then I'll tell you what you have to do in order to get there.

So if you would like to work with an Agent who understands clients needs, then a simple phone call to (423) 773-5569 or email to is all that is needed to get our relationship off on and running.

Our company offers the following to all clients who sale with us:
1. Free 1YR American Home Shield Warranty
2. Free Pre-Home Inspection from John Lerch of Master Home Inspection
3. Expert knowledge of your neighborhood
4. Professional negotation of your home's price to assure that you get the best buyer's at the best price.
5. Web & print based advertising.
I look forward to an opportunity to work with you soon.

Josh Woods
JimWoods Realty Company
(423) 773-5569

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